Anaerobic technology
Anaerobic processes are presented as an ideal solution for the biological purification of wastewater with high concentrations of easily biodegradable organic matter.
UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactors, an anaerobic upflow reactor, are a type of tubular bioreactor that operates in a continuous upward flow regime, i.e., the tributary enters through the lower part of the reactor, crosses the entire longitudinal profile and exits through the upper part. They are anaerobic reactors in which microorganisms group together to form biogranules.
The technology for anaerobic treatment with high loads is an established technology. At least 1200 industrial-scale stations have been registered worldwide for the treatment of industrial effluents (currently it is estimated that there are 2500). The range of uses of this technology is very wide, since anaerobic wastewater treatment is not limited to the degradation of organic contamination in wastewater.