
Research, development and innovation are elements that are part of Bondalti Water's DNA as a factor not only differentiating, but also intrinsic to the creation of technological solutions that answer the challenges of our clients in the integral cycle of water.

Effective, planned, and continuous technological innovation allows Bondalti Water to anticipate future scenarios, question current debugging processes, seek alternatives, and identify opportunities to provide better service.

For that, Bondalti Water is in permanent contact with the different agents around it - companies, entities of the scientific and technological system and other public and private organizations - which allow it to strengthen and improve its innovation activity in a continuous exploration of new ideas that aim the development of capabilities, products and services.

The organization's human resources are aligned with the R+D+i strategy and actively participate in R+D+i projects, from the identification of opportunities to the implementation of the new wastewater treatment processes developed.

Bondalti Water has participated in several collaborative R&D projects, as co-promoter and coordinator. These innovation initiatives are characterized by the development of technological solutions close to the market, which allow their customers to benefit from them in a short period of time. For this reason, Bondalti Water's projects are co-funded by European Union, national and regional programs (VII Framework Program, Life, H2020, Eurostar, CDTI, ADER, among others). Currently, this effort has already resulted in new products and services that have given rise to patents, such as the multi-stage anaerobic reactor (ES-2541078).

The organization's human resources are aligned with the R+D+i strategy and actively participate in R+D+i projects, from identifying opportunities to implementing the new wastewater treatment processes developed.