Bondalti Capital, S.A., 100% owned by José de Mello Capital, S.A., is the holding company and the corporate center of a group of companies that are mainly dedicated to the chemical industry and water treatment.
In the chemical industry, Bondalti's production activity is carried out through Bondalti Chemicals, S.A., in the chlor-alkali and aniline and derivatives value chains, and Bondalti Cantabria, S.A, in the chlor-alkali value chain.
The water treatment and recycling activity, for human and industrial consumption, is assured by the company Bondalti Water Solutions, S.A.. This business area brings together extended competencies in the entire water cycle, as a result of the acquisition of the entire capital of Enkrott - Gestão e Tratamento de Águas, S.A., a leader in the Portuguese market, and of the Águas Alfaro / AEMA group, one of the main Spanish operators in the wastewater treatment segment.