LABORATORIOS ALFARO SL has been providing its services to industry, institutions and private clients since 1994, providing the highest quality, independence and confidentiality, backed by our accreditations as a testing and inspection laboratory, a team of specialized employees and advanced instrumentation.
Main activities
Collection of accredited samples.
-> Analysis of Water for Human Consumption, according to the Royal Decree 3/2023, of January 10, which establishes the technical-sanitary criteria for the quality of drinking water, its control and supply
-> Analysis and control of Wastewater Effluents, in accordance with the Regulations applicable in each specific case.
-> Analysis of swimming pool water and bathing water, in accordance with the applicable Autonomous Community Regulations.
-> Circuit water analysis.
-> Legionella analyses in risk facilities, according to the Royal Decree 487/2022, of June 21, which establishes the health requirements for the prevention and control of legionellosis.
-> Analysis of hazardous waters, drains, wells, among others.
-> Sludge analysis in accordance with Royal Decree 1310/1990, which regulates the use of Sewage Sludge.
-> Agronomic analysis: soils, fertilizers, leaves, among others.
-> Food analysis: musts, wines, oils, among others.
Laboratorio Alfaro SL, as an Inspection Entity accredited by ENAC in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020 Standard (Accreditation No.: 177/EI321) and as a Collaborating Entity for Hydraulic Management (Exp. No.: EC 072/1 and 2), carries out its activities in the Environmental Area in the field of wastewater.
Main services
-> Reports and/or Certificates that include the compliance of the effluent with the requirements set out in the applicable regulations.
-> Reports and Certificates of the Purification Facilities and the Control Elements issued by the Collaborating Entity of the Hydraulic Administration.
-> Analytical statements and Certificates of compliance with the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the effluent issued by the Collaborating Entity of the Hydraulic Administration.
-> Issuance of Reports and Certificates that verify the effluent production conditions by the Collaborating Entity for the Management of Hydraulics.
-> Support for the Hydraulic Administration in effluent inspection activities.
-> Support for Hydraulic Management in verifying compliance with the objectives and the Environmental Quality Standard established for the receiving environment.