
Recovery of the Iberian lynx on an upward course

The Iberian lynx recovery program has just reached a historic milestone, with a record number of 1668 specimens in the Iberian Peninsula, of which 261 in Portugal, in the Guadiana Valley.

The data recently released by the Spanish Government reflect an upward and sustained trend in the number of individuals in this region of the globe, which was only 94 in 2002.

The excellent results achieved, resulting from the joint work of official entities, companies and other organizations in Portugal and Spain, augur a promising future for this emblematic species, which has already been considered the most endangered feline on the planet.

Bondalti has been an active participant in this collective project, through a protocol signed in 2017 with the National Association of Rural Owners, whose objective is to recover habitat for the Iberian lynx (and also the imperial eagle) in the Herdade de Vale de Perditos, in the Guadiana Valley, in order to promote the development of the species.

With the contribution of this multifunctional project, developed in an area of more than three thousand hectares and fully funded by Bondalti, it is now possible to see the Iberian lynx in the area for long periods of time. One of the highlights of the initiative was, about a year ago, the release into nature of a couple born in captivity, which was another fundamental step in their reproduction.