
New book on the chemical industry

A trip to the past and a look at the present and the future of the chemical industry is what the new book “The relevance of the chemical industry and its contribution to society”, which has just been released, proposes.

The library of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) hosted the presentation of the book entitled “The relevance of the chemical industry and its contribution to society”, by Professor José Luís Figueiredo.

Promoted by the Amélia de Mello Foundation (FAM), the event began with interventions by João Falcão and Cunha, dean of FEUP, Vasco de Mello, president of the FAM, and Henrique Mota, of Principia Editora. A round table followed with the participation of António Cunha, president of the Coordination Committee for Northern Regional Development, João Fugas, administrator of Bondalti, and José Luís Figueiredo, author of the book. João de Mello, president of Bondalti, closed the session.

The book was launched as part of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Alfredo da Silva, a personality who stood out for his very important contribution to the development of the chemical industry in Portugal.