
Decarbonization under debate

“The need to decarbonize the planet is leading to an accelerated change in the energy that fuels the entire society, in order to abandon fossil fuels to give way to renewable energies, bringing with it numerous challenges and opportunities”. It was based on this premise that Jornal de Negócios launched the talk “Decarbonizing the Future”, promoted by the Business Sustainability 2030 initiative, and in which António Motta Veiga, director of Strategic Development and Management Control at Bondalti, participated.

António Motta Veiga pointed out that the entire industry has “a very big challenge in decarbonization, which begins with electrifying everything possible, from boilers that are currently gas-fired to the production process”. However, he made it clear that “there are situations in which we have to find alternative solutions”, giving the example of green hydrogen and the projects under development in Estarreja and Sines, in which Bondalti is involved.

The company's entry into the production of green lithium, through Lifthium, was another topic addressed: “Lithium is currently a very hot market, with high demand and will only increase. The problem is not in demand, but in supply, as there is global competition for this raw material,” he stressed. The official also pointed to innovation as another path to decarbonization, stressing that “we have innovative processes to reduce our consumption and to review a way of producing that has decades of history”.