
Bondalti receives sustainability awards

Bondalti was distinguished in two different categories of the National Sustainability Award, an initiative promoted by Jornal de Negócios.

The company obtained an honorable mention in the Large Business Decarbonization category with the H2Enable project - The Hydrogen Way for Our Chemical Future, dedicated to the production of green hydrogen at the Estarreja Chemical Complex. Representing an investment of around 140 million euros by 2025, H2Enable is part of the company's ongoing energy transition program and has already obtained the status of “Important Project of Common European Interest”, granted by the European Commission.

The other award won was also an honorable mention, in the Preservation of Natural Capital Large Companies category, with the New Territories for Bobcats and Imperial Eagles project. Started in 2017 in the Guadiana Valley region, in an area of more than three thousand hectares, this biodiversity support project is aimed at recovering habitat for these two emblematic species. One of the highlights that marks its success was the recent release into the wild of a couple of Iberian lynxes born in captivity, a fundamental step for the reproduction of the species in that area. The funding is fully guaranteed by Bondalti.

The 2022 edition of the National Sustainability Award had a total of 117 applications distributed across ten categories.

The awards were presented to Susana Carvalho, Bondalti's Sustainability and Climate Transition Coordinator.