
Sea Clinic

The Hospital for Marine Animals

Mar Clinic is a partnership that Bondalti has with the Portuguese Wildlife Society, the managing entity of the Marine Animal Recovery Center (CRAM) of Ecomare - an initiative of the University of Aveiro.  

This partnership dates back to 2016, but gained new life and dimension when Ecomare opened in Ílhavo. CRAM is dedicated to the rescue of marine animals that strand on the central and northern coasts of Portugal. Whether they are seabirds, turtles, seals or cetaceans. The rescued animals receive excellent veterinary care and are accompanied in their recovery by specialized biologists. In the end, after being properly rehabilitated, they are returned to nature.

The percentage of animals released by CRAM is around 47%. This is an encouraging figure, particularly if one takes into account the poor condition of most of the animals admitted to the Center.

Besides the work of recovering stranded animals, CRAM performs many other essential functions for the knowledge of Marine Biodiversity. In its facilities operate four different and complementary laboratories: Ecotoxicology, Health, Research and Marine Animal Tissue. Thanks to these structures, CRAM contributes directly to the Research and Innovation effort, evolving and improving its rehabilitation processes.

As part of the Mar Clinic, Bondalti provides CRAM with continuous support in hypochlorite - essential to ensure the disinfection of the veterinary spaces, as well as the tanks and the various pools, where the marine animals regain their health and vivacity. Without the treatment with hypochlorite, which kills germs and harmful pathogens, the sanitary conditions for their recovery would not be met.  

Besides this donation in materials, Bondalti supports financially the activity of CRAM, helping to carry out some of its projects and activities.

It is expected that the Mar Clinic project will continue in the coming years and that Bondalti's involvement with the Portuguese Wildlife Society and CRAM will be strengthened. To actively support organizations that contribute daily to the conservation of Biodiversity is one of Bondalti's main goals.


Mar Clinic is aligned with one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of greatest strategic relevance for Bondalti, number 14 - Protect Marine Life, namely by increasing scientific knowledge, conserving biological diversity and ensuring the sustainable use of the Oceans.