The Estarreja factory, based on a growth and internationalisation strategy, is dedicated to the production of chlorine, aniline and their respective derivatives, and forms part of the Estarreja Chemical Complex (ECC), the largest in the country in this sector.
Here, clients and suppliers work in an integrated way, based on strongly established long-term relationships, in which each entity is focused on the activities they are specialised in and most knowledgeable about. This model allows for greater efficiency, transparency, rigour and operational sustainability, thereby reducing collateral risks and waste.
Bondalti’s Estarreja manufacturing complex has production facilities for organic and inorganic chemicals and is proud to be recognised as one of the most reliable and safe chemical sites.
The ECC is currently made up of five companies -- Air Liquide, AQP, Bondalti, Cires-Shin Etsu and Dow Portugal – and is one of the most important centres in the national petrochemical industry and one of the most up-to-date European clusters in the chemical industry. Its originality is the productive interconnection of the companies - one of the reasons for its competitiveness.

The ECC is located close to important rail and road infrastructures, which provides transportation competitive advantages, making the operation particularly efficient in receiving and dispatching products. A significant part of the products and raw materials are transported via pipeline, but the site also uses road and rail tanks, as well as transportation by ship through the Port of Aveiro, located about 30km from Estarreja. Bondalti’s storage capacity in Estarreja and Aveiro, through its own facilities in the port of Aveiro, amounts to 39 thousand tonnes for different chemical products.
With its eyes on the future, this unit has undergone major investment of around 300 million Euros over recent years, with a view to improving processes and introducing new systems related to energy transition - enabling it to meet the ambitious sustainability goals defined by the company.