
Iberian outreach solidarity project has already helped 200 children

Around 200 beneficiaries, 7.9 tons collected, 3.3 million recycled lids and 1.37 million euros donated. These are some of the historic milestones recently achieved by the “Taps for a New Life®” project, an initiative promoted by the SEUR Foundation aimed at providing medical treatment to disadvantaged children who are unable to obtain it through other means.

A Bondalti Water continues its strong involvement with the project in Spain, the result of an agreement signed in 2019 with the SEUR Foundation. The document formalized the company's commitment to contribute to this purpose, ensuring the participation of all its employees in this initiative, which stands out for its strong social but also environmental nature, since it has so far avoided the emission of 9.9 thousand tons of CO2.

The project was born from the request for assistance from the family of a child from Bilbao, in 2011, who asked the SEUR Foundation to hand over to a recycling company all the plastic covers it was collecting, in order to obtain the necessary funds for the purchase of a pedestal that the child needed. The objective was quickly achieved and represented the starting point for an initiative that currently has a large following in Spain and Portugal.

The next objective of the project in Spain is to obtain another 29 tons of caps, whose value will revert to the rehabilitation of a six-year-old child living in Madrid and suffering from cerebral palsy.

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