
Marisa Poncela reinforces Bondalti

Marisa Poncela García joined the Board of Directors of Bondalti Capital, with non-executive functions.

With a degree in Economic Sciences from the University of Zaragoza, Marisa Poncela García began her professional career in 1984 as a technician at the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, pursuing an important career in the Spanish public administration, as Secretary General for Science and Innovation, Secretary of State for Commerce, President of ICEX Spain Exports and Investments and, until 2020, international director of Renfe Operadora.

The new director of Bondalti was also a professor in several master's degrees and director general of the Abbott Foundation and co-founder of Addtalentia S.L. Currently, Marisa Poncela Garcia is also a non-executive director at Talgo, a company in the railway sector; of Idom, engineering and consulting; of LaborSalvat, in the pharmaceutical area; and of Amber, a technological and communications engineering company.

Marisa Poncela García began her duties at Bondalti on November 1st.