
Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability under debate

The potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data in improving and developing sustainability strategies was the motto of a debate organized in Lisbon by Microsoft, with the participation of representatives from the scientific and business circles, including Susana Carvalho, coordinator of Sustainability and Climate Transition at Bondalti.

In an approach to the company's strategy for climate and net-zero transition, the person responsible for this area of Bondalti placed special focus on the challenges of measuring Scope 3 emissions and on the way in which these tools can contribute to greater accessibility, universality and reliability of data. “There are no limits to the contribution that AI can make to companies in terms of sustainable development, in their different domains,” said Susana Carvalho.

The need to find new sustainable products, as a factor of competitiveness, was another of the points highlighted: “Innovation and technology are the basis of solutions to decarbonize our own business, but also to reduce the carbon footprint of the economic fabric in general, through the incorporation of 100% renewable sources, reduction of the need for virgin raw materials and the reuse or recycling of materials”, he stressed.