
AI training: "Artificial Intelligence and the Chemistry of Tomorrow"

On 10, 11, 15 and 30 July, Bondalti held four in-house training sessions for its employees on the subject of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The sessions, which took place in Oeiras, Estarreja and Torrelavega, were organised by Francisco Silva and the Digital Transformation team, and were attended by more than 90 employees, proof of the growing interest in emerging technologies within the company.

One of the main themes of these training sessions, entitled "Artificial Intelligence and the Chemistry of Tomorrow", was the potential impact of AI on the chemical industry: under discussion was how AI can prove to be a transformative force that helps to optimise processes and speed up innovation, thus promoting more sustainable practices and increasing safety in the chain of operations.

Through these training programmes, Bondalti is reaffirming its commitment to contributing to the personal development of its employees and to being at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies by enabling its teams to face the challenges and opportunities of the digital transformation of the future.