Bondalti Water was the company chosen to supply a chemical dosing system for a desalination unit at a new hydroelectric plant in the Canary Islands.

The dosing project developed by Bondalti Water incorporates the most advanced technologies available, including a compact skid (metal structure) dosing system, consisting of “plug and play” equipment with proven efficiency. The entire installation was customized according to instrumentation and control specifications and requirements.
The new hydroelectric power plant is a large project under development in the archipelago and has the peculiarity of using reversible pumping technology, allowing bidirectional communication between the water reservoirs located at the lower and upper levels. The associated seawater desalination plant's mission is to ensure the necessary water flow at any time.
Skid chemical dosing systems are one of Bondalti Water's areas of expertise.
Through innovative solutions and state-of-the-art technology, Bondalti Water is focused on contributing to the sustainability of its clients' operations with regard to the management of water resources, while promoting its competitiveness by reducing operating costs.