
Bondalti highlighted in Barcelona

The strengthening of relations between Portugal and Catalonia and the defense of common interests were the central themes of the event “Portugal: opportunity for Catalan companies”, promoted in Barcelona by the Spanish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, under the sponsorship of Bondalti.

Organized in collaboration with the Consulate General of Portugal in Barcelona and AICEP, the meeting brought together more than 120 managers of companies operating in the Iberian market, as well as several official entities, including the Portuguese Minister of Economy and the Sea, António Costa e Silva, the Portuguese ambassador to Spain, João Mira-Gomes, and the president of the Spanish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, António Calcada de Sá. The company was represented by Anton Valero, director of Bondalti and simultaneously a member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, and by Antonio Alonso, commercial director of Bondalti Water Solutions, who gave a presentation about the Bondalti group.

António Costa e Silva highlighted the important role of companies and commerce as engines of change and technological innovation, also stressing the need to strengthen cooperation between Portugal and Catalonia with a view to leadership in areas such as the “energy transition, the blue economy and the life sciences”.